5 Biggest Obstacles (and Solutions!) to Losing Your Baby Belly

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Photo by adria.richards

I know you want to be perfect. Perfect house, perfect family, perfect post baby body. You want to have it all. Who doesn’t??? Do you find yourself going to bed every night thinking you’re going to do better and be better tomorrow?

While it is great to see each day as a fresh start, always make sure you’re proud of the day you just survived. Remember, you are Wonder Woman in the flesh! Wanting to be better is what will make you successful in everything you do. Just be prepared for some bumps along the way. I mean, it takes a lot of practice to become perfect….

In your quest for perfection, here are the biggest obstacles you may face:

1. Exhaustion and Fatigue:
You and your body are working round the clock to take care of everyone but yourself. There will be moments when you do no see the light through the fog that is your new world. But it will get better. Use exercise (even very light exercise if that’s all you can muster) to renew and energize yourself. It will make a world of difference and quite possibly be the only thing to get you through the day. Also, force yourself to nap or rest a the very least. Watch trashy for a bit if you can’t sleep during the day. Don’t you dare feel guilty for stealing these moments! Let the dishes and laundry sit. Don’t worry they’ll be there later (or maybe your partner will take care of them for you! Feel free to drop hints about this.)

2. Unpredictable/Erratic Schedule:
It’s so hard to establish an exercise routine when your clock is different everyday. So you may not be able to schedule it initially. While, in general, I do recommend scheduling exercise, that may not be possible in the weeks/months following the birth of your child. So during that time, just know that you will get it in. Do not let it be optional. However, be flexible and creative about when you get it in. More on this below…

3. Time Constraints:
You are likely living in a three hour cycle that doesn’t leave a spare moment for you to even put on a sports bra, let alone get in a workout. I totally get that. So, you don’t have to put on the sports bra. You just have to get creative. In my 50 Tips to Blast Your Baby Belly I talk about using feeding times to do kegels and zippers. So, multitasking may be the name of the game for awhile. How many laps can you walk around your house while you sooth your baby to sleep? How many push ups can you while on the floor with your baby for tummy time? How many squats or lunges can with the little one on your chest?

4. Mood Swings:
Let’s face it, this whole baby thing is hard work and there are days where you’re super cranky and maybe a little down and out. If you feel much more than minimal “normal” despair (a little desperation is normal, but not day in/day out) ask for help from a professional. It is normal to have mood swings from the exhaustion, fatigue, overwhelming sense of responsibility and crazy shifting hormones. But it you ever feel unsafe in any way (toward yourself or toward your baby) you must tell those closest to you so they can help you find the appropriate help. Additionally, regular exercise should help tremendously with these swings. Plus, the endorphin rush you’ll get from workouts will make you feel amazing – like the Wonder Woman you are!

5. Guilt:
You have a lot of balls in the air. Your bound to drop one of those balls and it will most likely be the one with your own name on it. You’re not going to drop any balls with your child(ren)’s names. Probably won’t drop the one with your partner’s name. That leaves just your own. So yourself a favor. Keep your ball in the air at all costs. That means you’re going to have to admit this is hard. You’re going to have to admit you need help here and there. You’re going to have to admit you need a few moments to yourself (and you damn well deserve them!!) Do not feel guilty taking time for you. You will be better for every time you do take time for yourself. I promise. The energy and joy you will get from these moments you will give back to your family tenfold. I guarantee it!

I offered many solutions just within the obstacles above, but for some more concrete examples, read on…

1. Split your workouts:
If you don’t have a full 30 minutes, split a workout into two parts. Do 10-15 minutes during morning nap and 10-15 minutes during afternoon nap. Do cardio in one mini session and weights in the other.

2. Keep it Simple:
Workouts do not have to be long, they do not have to involve organizing a trip to the gym. They can be very spontaneous and simple. When you have a free moment get something in. If you know you have 10 minutes before your baby’s next feeding. Pick 10 exercises and do each one for one minute (Example: squats, push ups, lunges, sit ups, mountain climbers, cobras, side step squats, chair dips, plank, stairs). Another excellent way to get in some extra exercises is to add them to your walk. Stop at park benches or stairs or similar elevated surfaces for sets of push ups, dips, step ups. Can’t get in a walk today? On your errands, park as far as possible from each store front and walk briskly to and from your car.

3. Find Support:
Since you’re trying your hardest to be perfect, you’re probably not asking for any help, right?? Ok, get over that. Now! Have others help you out so you can have a moment to yourself. You will be a better mother for it. Ideas on this:

* Mom Trade: find another mom to swap with. You watch her kids while she exercises, runs errands, etc one day and then you switch another day the same week.
* Student Sitters: Find a student to come relieve you for a couple hours a couple times a week. You can even stay home while they’re there and get in a home workout! Post ads at the nearest University in the School of education. People who want to be teachers will be great caretakers of your little one.
* DaddyTime: Just so you know it’s not called babysitting when your husband watches his own child. That’s called being a parent. It’s part of the territory. For all the time you’re putting into this gig, he should be able to give you some time off once or twice a week.
* Grandma/Grandpa: Ok, if they’re not already beating your door down, see if you can schedule some regular times for childcare, provided they live near you and are able bodied.
* Girlfriend workouts: Grab the babes, grab the strollers and grab your best girlfriend. Go for a power walk with the kiddos. Remember to show her how tough you are by stopping here and there for push ups, dips and lunges! She’ll be completely inspired by you. Another option, have your girlfriend come over right before naptime and let the babes both nap while you workout at your place. You’ll work twice as hard with someone else at your side. You’ll also enjoy it twice as much.

4. Balance:
Be sure to balance exercise with downtime. Like I said above, get in a nap, get in some trash TV. Don’t feel you have to exercise in EVERY spare moment you have. I recommend getting in some exercise as early as possible so you can look forward to later moments to yourself being spent on rest and relaxation. Use exercise as a way to “earn” other things. If you and your girlfriend get in three workouts in a week, then you get to go to happy hour over the weekend. If you get in 30 minutes of exercise in a morning, let yourself watch Oprah in the afternoon. If you get in 5 workouts in a week, get a pedicure on Sunday. Make sure there are treats mixed in with all the hard work you’re doing. You deserve it!

Keep on keepin’ on my friend!



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