I have a little homework assignment for you today. I want you to schedule some peace in your life this week!
I know there’s an endless list of things to be done: laundry, dishes, feedings, cleaning, baths, naps, meals . . . . . The list goes on and on. Let me remind you – the list is not going anywhere. Sad, but true. So, since the list is not going anywhere, please push pause once this week and take a moment to yourself. Since you probably haven’t done this in awhile, let me give you some ideas of what you can do during your “peace out”:
* Get a mani/pedi
* Go shopping (alone!)
* Get a massage
* Take a long bath (with a glass of wine, perhaps?!)
* Read a trashy magazine
* Watch bad TV
* Go to a movie
* Arrange a sleep-in morning, where your partner gets up solo with the babe(s).
* Sit in a coffee shop with a good book (or trashy mag)
* Go to bed early with chores undone (they’ll still be there in the am…)
* Schedule happy hour with a girlfriend
Ok, go book your “peace out” and let us know what you decide on!
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