Who are your crabs?

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Photo by William Warby

I’m on a plane heading back from Fitness Business Summit 2011. I had the opportunity to hang out with the worlds top 5% trainers this weekend. This is a phenomenal event. I have been able to attend the last three years and every year it has been mind blowing.

What I love about this conference is that I leave feeling so empowered. The trainers I have become friends with are among the most positive, supportive and endearing people I have ever met. They are simply amazing and they make me a better trainer and a better person. It has dramatically changed me and my business to spend time with these people over the last few years.

One of the lessons I have learned over and over at this Summit is that you gotta get rid of your crabs. What? Crabs? Am I freaking you out a little?

Yup, crabs. We all have them.

Crabs are the people in your life who hold you back. Every time you start to crawl up toward a dangling goal, they pull you down. They create doubt in your mind and they prevent you from finding success.

Now this certainly applies in business. But I think it applies to one’s personal life just as much.

I think it REALLY applies to moms. As a mom, you a juggling so many things. Trying to be successful in so many ways, as a mom, a wife, a friend, a daughter, a sister, an employee. . . The list has no end. There are undoubtedly people who drag you into their negativity, their crankiness, their own insecurities and self doubt. Please, believe me when I say this impacts you in a BIG way.

If you want to be happy and fulfilled and successful as a mom, wife, friend, daughter, etc, etc, you MUST surround yourself with likeminded people. There is simply no room for crabs. They will only hold you back from your goals, your dreams and your happiness.

I’ve been pretty good at keeping crabs out of my life over the past couple years. It has made such a difference too. I spend time with people who are positive and supportive. I spend time with people who believe in me and build me up. I make a great effort to do the same for them. I have amazing relationships and friendships with people who add to my life rather than suck the life out of me.

I want you to think about this as you go through your day today. Who are the crabs in your life and what an you do to limit (or eliminate) your exposure to them?

I have a challenge for you. It’s a challenge I’ve been thinking about doing myself for awhile. It involves one of my pet peeves.

If you know me very well, you know I’m a bit of a Facebook fanatic. I really love the interactivity of Facebook. I’m actually completely fascinated by it. But, it makes me INSANE when the same people post negative junk over and over and over, day in, day out. It really bothers me. Yet I keep reading it and letting it bother me.

So, here’s what I’m going to do today ( and I REALLY hope you will do the same), I’m going to “Hide” these people. I’m not going to unfriend them or anything rude. I’m just going to hide their newsfeed so I don’t see their negative comments. I want Facebook to be a positive experience for me. I know this will make my day a little brighter.

One of the presenters at the Summit this weekend equated Facebook to your living room. I think that’s an awesome analogy. Would you invite someone to come be a Negative Nancy in your living room everyday. NO!!!!

So, today I will get rid of my Facebook crabs. I will eliminate this negativity from my day. Don’t get me wrong. I will still enjoy (and post myself) some sarcastic, snide remarks from time to time. But I will not whine. I will not complain. I will not expose myself to those who do.

What will you do to get rid of your crabs today? Make a plan, write it below it in the comments here and DO IT!



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1 Comment

Brenda on March 22, 2011 at 7:07 pm.

That’s one of my peeves too! I’ve been hiding those post forever. The world is full of negative stories and frankly I’m not interested. I want to fill my online space with positive stories and wonderful people, period.


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