I get this question A LOT. Like everyday.
“I’ve gained about 5-10 pounds in the last year or so, mostly around my middle. What should can I do to get rid of it?”
I will be sending out an extensive article/ebook about this in the next week (email me here to get on my email list if you want a copy!) I’m just working on the finishing touches. But in the meantime, I want to give you my quick & dirty answer. Here is what I told this Mama:
“Figure out your appropriate daily caloric intake. You can do this by googling “female BMR formula” and you will get an equation to help you. You want to aim for this many cals a day – don’t want to go lower than this for any length of time, as it is a low end number already. From there track your caloric intake for a week or so to see if you’re on target based on the BMR formula. From there, take out as many grains as possible and add as many veggies as possible. Also, increase lean protein sources. The more your diet is comprised of lean protein/veggies/fruit, the better. You could goo 100% to protein/veg/fruit and still get enough carbs, as you get plenty from fruits/veg. If you’re starving from your BMR caloric count, add up to 200 calories inf the form of protein/veg to fill you up. ”
Know there is an entire exercise component to the answer as well. That’ll come in the ebook along with workouts, a meal plan and some recipes! Can’t wait to share.
So, there is a starting point for you. Questions? Post below and we’ll chat!!
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1 Comment
Michelle on August 25, 2011 at 6:28 pm.
Ladies, I am here to tell you that it WILL come off! It took 9months to bring baby to term and it sometimes takes a little while to remove it (be realistic). However, with Sara’s guidance and help it will come off. Even if your ‘baby’ is 26 and you have LOTS of grandchildren 🙂 Patience!