Tricia’s Story of Pregnancy Weight Loss

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This is HOT MAMA Tricia – weighing in at 17 pounds LESS THAN HER PRE-PREGNANCY WEIGHT. Amazing!

I had the pleasure of connecting with Fit Healthy Mom, Tricia, a few months ago. She was one of the first people to complete our 6 Week Pregnancy Weight Loss Program. As I got to know her, I was so excited and impressed by her commitment to her own health and to other moms. In addition to being an awesome fit mama, Tricia has a couple mom blogs the help mom figure out all things mom/pregnancy related. I asked her if she could share a little about her amazing weight loss story and her mission to help other moms here.

Take it away Tricia . . . .

“My name is Tricia and I am a mother of two children (2 and 1). I grew up in Virginia and Maryland and I met my husband in college. We settled in Harrison, Ark where I work as a project manager for FedEx Freight and he is a chiropractor. While my first pregnancy was planned, I got pregnant with my daughter when my son was only 5 months old (in case you need any proof that breastfeeding is not good birth control).

My son is a typical rowdy boy with a tender heart and my daughter is a cuddly little girl with as much spice as sugar. Between our two kids and our great dane, our house is full of laughter, tears, fun and a little bit of stress. We love our kiddos and everything they have added to our life. We hope to add a third child to the family in the near future.

I have always had somewhat of an athletic figure but I gained a good twenty pounds prior to getting pregnant the first time. I was not working out, eating too big of portions and honestly didn’t really see how much weight I had gained when I looked in the mirror. I was at 157 when I got pregnant and gained a normal 34 pounds, putting me at 191 at the time of his birth. I got back to my pre-pregnancy weight within a month of giving birth and after starting to exercise again, I lost 5 more pounds right before getting pregnant with my daughter.

So I started that pregnancy at 152 and I gained another 34 pounds during that pregnancy and lost it within the first month of giving birth as well. I decided to make some significant changes so I started doing Zumba and put myself on a 1400-1600 calorie diet. I lost another 7 pounds, putting me at 145. This was about the time I found Sara and Fit Healthy Moms.

I decided to try out Sara’s 6 Week Pregnancy Weight Loss Program as part of my blog What The Bump? (an informative site about pregnancy and baby care). I don’t believe in recommending anything that I don’t believe in, so I gave it a shot. The program and Sara’s Fit Healthy Moms blog have changed my life. I have been able to get down to 140 and maintain this weight consistently (within a pound or two) but more than that, I have gotten back down to size 4-6 and have toned my body and strengthened my core. I am in almost as good of shape now as I was when I was 25 and I manage to do this with two young kids in as little as 4 x 15-20 minute workouts a week. I am like any other person in that I have diet temptations and weak moments.

I guess what makes me a Fit Healthy Mom is that I have permanently changed my daily habits and practices to achieve fitness and self-confidence, even after having kids. I now make time for some form of exercise even on those days that I really don’t feel like it. I can’t wait to see how continuing a normal exercise program (not just walking) and having a strong core will benefit my next pregnancy and labor.

I really hope to inspire other women to make positive changes in their own lives, particularly through pregnancy. The mission of my blog is to help pregnant and new moms find accurate, helpful and sometimes non-traditional information. I want women to have all the resources available to them to make informed health decisions. There is a lot of misleading information out there and it is sometimes hard to decipher truth. It is also increasingly important to make informed decisions about health and wellness since much of medicine is now focused on reducing liability for doctors vs. providing the best care. Many interventions are commonplace, not because they are necessary but because they may prevent a 0.1% chance of malpractice. These practices are changing the way society views conditions as normal as pregnancy.

For instance, most women now have a stereotypical misconception of pregnancy and childbirth. They think that they are going to feel nauseas and miserable throughout pregnancy, they are destined to gain a ton of weight, and that they are incapable of appreciating labor without an epidural. They think 32% c-section rates are normal and don’t question the reason. I want women to understand their real options, and how they can achieve the pregnancy and childbirth they want. I want them to know and believe how much they are capable of in pregnancy and childbirth. In addition to that, I provide information about post-partum, infant care, and breastfeeding in effort to make the time welcoming a newborn more enjoyable and less stressful.”

Ok, Sara here. Thanks so much Tricia for sharing your great story. You make such a great point about needing to make significant changes to meet your goals, yet being just like everyone else, facing temptation and indulgence here and there. You really do show what consistency in diet and fitness will give you over time. It does not happen over night. It is not easy. But those daily efforts over time really do add up, as you can see in Tricia’s photos above. Check out that beach shot – SMOKIN’!

Since Tricia submitted her story last week, she has announced she is pregnant again!! Congrats Tricia! I can’t wait to hear more about your third pregnancy.



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