I’ll admit it – I’m a TOTAL mushy sappy lady! I cry over commercials and Hallmark cards and all sorts of other random things. But I’m mostly touched my music and people. Like a photo montage set to music – it’s all over. Or a pregnant flash mob….
Last week one of my Facebook friends/moms/photographers, Candace Wilson, posted an amazing video. Candace photographed her best friend’s birth and then created this:
I started crying the moment the music kicked in – before the first photo even displayed! So, of course, now I’m trying to figure out who I can dare invite to my birth to take all sorts of awesome pictures. I want a video like this!!! I’m not sure anyone is up to the task of photographing me during birth. I’m quite sure I will be unpleasant. I’m quite sure I will yell and cry and swear a lot. If running a marathon is any indication, it will get ugly at about 4 hours in and I may well lose my mind – just ask my dear friend Catherine who ran the last 6 miles of my marathon with me. It was not pretty.
After seeing this great birth video, I was surfing around the Fit Bottomed Mama’s site (LOVE these ladies!!) and I see there post of a PREGNANT FLASH MOB. Ummmm, so cool!!! I have a secret dream of witnessing a flash mob in person someday. No, I have NO desire to participate in one. Yes, this made me cry too! Goll, is it the hormones??? Or is it my hidden Beiber love? Probably a bit of both.
How cute are these ladies?!? I love that they are all shapes and sizes, not to mention, they have some nice jazzercise moves. And the lyrics are so sweet!
At any rate. I need to stop with the videos. I can’t handle all the crying. What random things make you cry?
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Stephani Enriquez on March 29, 2012 at 4:30 pm.
Sara, we took water birth and birthing classes from Patti Ramos. She is an AMAZING person that not only teaches classes, but is a doula and photographer. I highly recommend at least checking out her site! http://www.facebook.com/doulapattiramos
One of her classes is called the ice journey and it takes your partner through much of the feelings of childbirth (not literal feelings, cause guys could never get that… ;-)). Again, Patti is amazing!
Christie on March 29, 2012 at 4:49 pm.
Love! Thanks for sharing. 🙂