Many of you have been asking what I’m doing for my prenatal workouts. Honestly, I’m doing pretty much the same thing I did before pregnancy. I did go through a phase in my first tri where I backed off on my jumping and high impact exercises. I didn’t want the baby to fall out. I know that’s not rational, but it’s where my head was….. Now I’m back to burpees, box jumps and jump squats – and lovin’ ’em! And so far, I’m not peeing my pants. So far . . .
That said there are a few modifications you should make in prenatal workouts. You can read them here. My doc says my abs are already splitting a bit, which is pretty early. So I’m being really careful to stay away from exercises that would further tear them (crunches, sit up and their variations.)
I’m going to be releasing a full prenatal program shortly – in the next few weeks – woohoo!! Oh, and SHOUT OUT to FHM Erin, who named the program, via a Facebook reply when I asked for name suggestions!
In the meantime, here’s a peek at my workouts so far this week:
Squats x 12 reps
Alternating Single Leg Dead Lifts x 16 reps
KettleBell Swings x 15 reps
1 Leg Bench Lunges x 12 per leg
Box Jumps x 10 reps
***3 Rounds, Rest x 1:00 btwn rounds***
BOSU Burpees (with push up) x 10 reps
Band Assisted Pull Ups x 8-12 reps
Dumbbell Chest Press on Stability Ball x 10-12 reps
Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs x 12 reps
Plank T’s x 10 reps
Spider Planks x 10 reps
Reverse Flys x 12 reps
***3 Rounds, Rest x 1:00 btwn rounds***
5:00 jogging warm up
6 Hill repeats (run up as fast as possible, walk down)
3:00 Walk Cool Down
***Workout should take about 20-30 minutes. If you use a short hill, do more repeats***
It should be noted that running hills with a 5 ounce fetus sitting on your bladder feels more like running with a 10 lb bowling ball on your bladder. I was kegelling like CRAZY the whole run. Good practice, I suppose. And good distraction as my legs were burning like crazy, haha!
Here’s some new belly pics for ya!
What have YOUR workouts been this week?
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