Hidden Blessings

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Photo by Greg Westfall

Yes, it’s Monday and yes, I’ll be giving you a great workout today. But before we get to that I want to give you a little something to think about.

I haven’t had the chance to connect with you since the major world events of last Friday. I have spent so much time this weekend thinking about the people impacted by the earthquake in Japan and the resulting tsunami. When these kinds of things happen, it puts so much into perspective for me. I can’t tell you how many times I have found myself being grateful for the most basic things this weekend. It’s so easy to forget how fragile life is until you see how much others around the world are suffering. I need to do a better job remembering this everyday.

Earthquakes have always really scared me. This is because I have always lived in Seattle where the threat of “the Big One” is constant. So, when I see other nations fall victims to this natural disaster I can help but think this will one day happen here.

Growing up in Seattle there was always a lot of earthquake preparedness advice in the news. My mom, a single mother of two, took note of EVERY bit of it. Bless her. We had a long commute to school everyday so she kept the trunk of our car stocked with a first aid kit, sleeping bags, granola bars, pop, a shovel and a bucket. At home we weren’t allowed granola bars or pop very often. I remember secretly hoping for an earthquake sometimes, in hopes of getting a can a pop out of the deal. The bucket? Yes, she wanted to be sure we had a “bathroom” if we ever got stranded in the aftermath of an earthquake. I guess my mom was more a lady than me. I would have had no issue finding some bushes to hide behind for a “toilet”. Luckily we never had to use our earthquake safety kit.

I certainly am not trying to make light of earthquakes, but it’s interesting to think of the kids perspective (a can of pop = score!!) vs the adult perspective.

You may have seen the video I posted on Facebook yesterday. I shot it right after running 7 miles in the pouring rain. I have to say, it was a really inspired run, in spite of the weather. You can click here to see the video. I think the message can push you through any workout. Some days you just need to be reminded how lucky you are and suddenly anything is possible.

Okay, enough talk, time to sweat! Now that you’re inspired and fired up, I want you to take this workout and make it your best workout of the last month. I want you to push and sweat, because YOU CAN!

20/10 workout:

20 Jumping Jacks
10 Push Ups
20 High Knees (running in place, hold hands at hip level, bring knees all the way up to hands as fast as you can)
10 Sit Ups (or crunches)
20 Jump Squats (squat down to touch the ground with good squat form, jump up and reach to the ceiling)
10 Tricep Push Ups (hands/elbow in tight to your body)
20 Walking Lunges
10 Burpees

Repeat 3-5 rounds. Record time for each round. Try to beat yourself each round. Leave times below!



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