Archive For The “Healthy Tips” Category
Annual camping at Grayland State Park! This is me with Katie and little G (Georgia). We have been camping with Katie and her husband for 7 years now, I believe. It is always one of our favorite weekends of the year. And now with Georgia and Dani (our pup) in tow, the adventures just get […]
Most of you know I was in NY last weekend for a conference. I was so excited for this trip, as I got to stay in Times Square. I was right in the middle of one of the most busy, bustling, frantic, CRAZY places in the whole world. Honestly, when the cab first dropped me […]
Ok, so you may have heard me mention a time or two that I adore Bethenny Frankel. From the standpoint of an entrepreneur turned wife turned mom (all in about 12 months, no less) the lady is the bees knees. Regardless of what you think about her past on the Real Housewives of NY or […]
Why you should eat protein and how it helps with female fat loss: 1. Protein fills you up. 2. Women who eat protein stay fuller and more satisfied for longer periods. 3. Protein helps you repair your muscles after a workout. 4. Women who eat protein you build more lean muscle and lose more fat. […]
Today I am sending out one of my favorite workouts via email only, as thank you to those of you who open my emails, read them and then PUT THEM TO USE to make your life better, healthier stronger. If you stopped by FHM today to read a new post and were heartbroken to see […]