Archive For The “Losing Baby Weight” Category
Wow – what a crazy week it’s been and it’s only Wednesday. As you know, yesterday was the launch of my 6 Week Pregnancy Weight Loss Program. I have been frantically replying to emails and getting the program into all the right hands. It is so exciting to see so many of you dive in […]
Today is the day! WooHoo!!! I finally get to share my online 6 Week Pregnancy Weight Loss Program with you. I have been working for months to get this program online. You see, I started testing and tweaking this moms-only weight loss program about a year ago in my local business. I knew I eventually […]
Let’s talk about jealousy for a minute… Do you watch other moms and wonder how the heck they lost all their baby weight seemingly effortlessly. Does it make you wanna barf a little?? I know, it seems like it just falls off everyone else. “I just nursed little Jimmy and the weight disappeared.” Ok, rest […]
Most moms have diastasis recti after giving birth (also known as abdominal separation or rectus diastasis). This is very common, because as your belly grows in the later stages of your pregnancy, your abdominal muscles get stretched beyond their limits. Some moms can see this happening, as they develop a darkened line down the center of […]
It’s What-To-Eat-Wednesday. WooHoo!! Today I’m giving you one of my favorite dinners. This is one of my favorites for a few reasons – important reasons: 1. Super fast 2. Super easy 3. Awesome Low Carb/High Protein ratio (ideal for dinnertime) 4. It involves guacamole Okay, so when I have no time, I throw together a […]