Archive For The “Recipes” Category
Ok, I’ll be honest – I have not been keeping up on my veggies the last month. They are about the last thing I can gag down. I’ve been feeling horrible about this, since pre-prego I could scarf down 5-10 servings a day, no problem. I told my Boot Campers the other day I’m on […]
This is what I made for dinner on Sunday. It is a perfect balance of protein, veggies (3 servings!), fat and healthy carbs. This is the magic formula for a fat burning dinner. It will fill you up and fuel you (thank you olive oil, chicken and veggies) without giving you any sugar/insulin rush (thank […]
How often do you compose your meal based on the time of day you’ll be consuming it? Probably not very often. You could be missing out on some really important opportunities to maximize (or maintain) your weight loss. WHEN you eat certain foods is as important as WHAT foods you eat. There is a lot […]
I have been really working with the idea of my “Bank Account” lately. No not my savings account, although my husband does want to have a sit down talk about “long term financial planning” over the holidays (I’m pretty sure that is code for “Sara needs to cut her Lululemon budget.”) I’m talking about my […]
Wow, I’m so excited – this is my 100th post on FHM. I didn’t know that until I sat down to write and noticed my blog stats. And how appropriate that I was sitting down to write about chocolate cake! I think a chocolate cake post in celebration of 100 FHM articles is pretty much […]