Ashley B., Mother of 2

Simply put, left to my own devices, I would have worked out relatively little. It was a gift to have Sara tell me what exercises to do, and to just zone out and enjoy the exercise. There’s something about having someone plan the workouts for you.
I’d recommend Sara’s services to other moms (or soon to be moms) because she’s an inspiring and fun trainer. For me, it was like hanging out with a friend with the added bonus of some exercise! I hardly realized how hard I was working until the workout was over. I also loved the fact that Sara had everything planned and ready to go, so all I had to do was follow directions.”
Erin S., Mother of 1

During the program, I found that I could get more from Sara’s workouts than hours in the gym doing the wrong things. Every workout is different, and goes by so quickly I hardly even realized how hard I was working. Sara gives you nutritional plans that are easy to follow and I never felt hungry or deprived.
At the end of 6 weeks, I lost 12 lbs. and 3 inches from my waistline. That was more success in 6 weeks than I had had in years working out on my own! Plus, I feel I have gained the knowledge of what I should put in my body, how much to eat and the confidence that I can do it on my own. I have so much energy, sleep great and am a positive role model for my kids & family now.
I am so happy with the results that I plan to continue the program. Best of all, I am really excited to feel this great when I turn 40 in 2 weeks! Thanks Sara!”
Melissa P., Mother of 2

I often think of her little tidbits (“I went to the dentist still sweaty in my exercise clothes” and “how often can you find this many things you can eat at a summertime barbeque”) as I navigate my way through trying to find time to exercise and eat healthily.
Her workouts do not seem super hard – this is a good thing – but they GET RESULTS. Big time. More than anything I’ve ever done. I have had problems losing weight in the 10 years since I had kids. I just moved into the “healthy” range for % of body fat, which I attribute entirely to her workouts. She is super motivating with her positive energy, life experiences and willingness to email at any time of the day. She emailed and saved me from falling off the wagon several times!
This is a great program, and you will gain tips about healthy eating and finding time for exercise that should last a lifetime.”
Lisa J. Mother of 3
Sarah H.
Anna M.
Lisa J.
Shannon M.
Virginia D.
Carrie W.
Colleen D.
Lara S.
Lisa H.
Christie L.
Andra M.
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